About Us

The mission, core values, and beliefs of Lakeland Community Church.


Vision Statement

Our vision is to be a faith community for the community.

Mission Statement

To connect our community to Jesus and one another.

Core Values

Scroll down to read our values.

Core Values

What We Do
What We Do

Worship: ​unique, expressive, spirit-filled, passionate

Walk: ​personal, committed, fun, growth-oriented

Work: ​generous, sacrificial, enthusiastic, innovative

How We Do It
How We Do It

Inventive:​ We ​respond​ to the needs of our neighbors

Generous:​ We ​give​ freely of our resources

Relational:​ We ​take our relationships seriously

Unique:​ We celebrate the many different and authentic ways God has made us

Our Beliefs

The Bible

We believe the Scriptures are inspired by God and declare His design and plan for mankind. God’s Word is true, authoritative and sufficient.


We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This is commonly known as the Trinity.


We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in his virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracle, in His vicarious and atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal future return to this earth in power and glory.


We believe any person can have restored fellowship with God through trusting in Jesus Christ and accepting Christ’s offer of forgiveness for sin.

Holy Spirit

We believe all Christians receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit when they experience salvation from sins. The Holy Spirit helps us to resist sin, encourages us, gives us boldness for witnessing, and power to live for Christ. We believe the baptism of the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it.

Baptism and Communion

We believe and practice two ordinances. Water baptism by immersion after repenting of one’s sins and receiving Christ’s gift of salvation, and — Holy communion (the Lord’s Supper) as a symbolic remembrance of Christ’s suffering and death for our salvation.


We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit which initially occurs at the point of salvation. It is not only a declaration that a believer is holy in God’s sight, but is also a progressive lifelong process of separating from evil as believers continually draw closer to God and become more Christlike.


We believe the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing of the human body in answer to believing prayer.

Abundant Living

We believe that Jesus Christ came to give abundant life. It is His will that His followers learn to live victorious lives on this earth.